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Authors' list checks

Proceedings should ensure consistency between the metadata in Indico and what present in the actual submitted paper. In particular, title and list of authors should match. This is very important to have correct Authors and Institutions indexes in the proceedings.

It is responsibility of the submitting authors to ensure the correctness of these data. The Editor-in-Chief should send out a number of reminders before and during the editing process asking the authors to review their contribution's metadata in the system.

The Authors Reception Desk at the conference usually also crosschecks the papers with Indico.

The JACoW-Indico Conference Tools (JICT) also include a tool to visualise the metadata of the contribution in Indico close to the upper part of the paper's first page. This way it is easier to spot issues with the information in Indico, which should be corrected either by the submitting author or by the Author Receptionists.